Category Archives: universe


The reason why I write this blog is based on that I believe the idea of God creating the universe based in millions and billions of years only compromises with the secular world view and it has implications that are far more reaching than just difference of opinion.

If you have the time here is a nice little debate or conversation between the idea of young earth and old earth via Ken Ham and Hugh Ross. Ken Ham is young earth and backs his theology by scripture while Ross is old earth that is trying to interpret scripture and the Bible with the idea of fitting millions of years into the Biblical historical picture.

Most secularists will say both proponents Ham and Ross are wrong because the universe is billions of years old.

What I find as the problem with the old earth belief is there is not good evidence and you have to add to scripture to make the point while the young earth is better equipped to follow scripture.

Interesting out of a panel of six on this show, five of the guest believed in a young earth and one (Ross) believes in an old earth that included the big bang.

Out of that 5 only three so it was split evenly (with Ross being the 6th), but only three Ken Ham, Ray Comfort and Eric Hovid believed the scripture was more clear on the idea of each day as it was created by God (day being 24 hours) and that this statement of scripture was very important, not only understanding Biblical creation but it aided in the understanding of Biblical knowledge for everyone.

The interpretation of each creation day being one day (24 hour day) is important to teach people based on if we demand that people believe in the parting of the red seas, a virgin woman getting pregnant by the Holy Spirit and a man dying and coming back to life. How then can we tell people that in Genesis God was not talking about 24 hour day but he meant millions of years and that the passages of Genesis aids itself more to how modern science interprets the age of the earth via millions and billions of years.

On one end we demand people believe in supernatural events but in Genesis we compromise and say there is nothing supernatural how God created the universe. That statement maybe a bit over the top due to that Christians believing in a creation of a million years still view it as supernatural but the idea of God creating the world in 6 days has to be agreed as a bit more of a supernatural event than using a naturalistic way to explain creation.

Sean McDowell and John Bloom from Biola University were more on the fence of Biblical interpretation, McDowell even so far as to going there and saying so much as can we really know the true interpretation from Greek, Hebrew to English. I chalk McDowell statement to his youth; this statement is what secularist use to kill the conversation on Christians that don’t know there Biblical history or believe in actual words of our Biblical authors and we cannot accept such a statement.

Bloom and McDowell were willing to question interpretation while Comfort, Ham and Hovid felt that the Bible was God’s breathed word that all can know, people could know then (thousands of years ago) we can know now. 1 Timothy 3:16 Ephesians 4:11-16 and Hebrews 11: 1-40

McDowell and Bloom walk a slippery slope that will have you back peddling trying to explain Biblical truth in a sea of secular lies and it does not have to be that way if we take scripture at its word.

I believe Ross is trading certainty for truth and McDowell and Bloom are entertaining that idea as well Bloom more so than McDowell.

The truth is we can know scripture and what it says, understanding that not everyone will completely get what is being stated in every book or letter but the main theme of the Bible is God and following God. His grace to us and for us and how and why he did what he did for his creation.

You will see at the end of the video Ross offers a truce and I have no doubt Ross was very sincere just as I have no doubt Ross is a Bible believing man of God. The problem I have with Ross’s truce is it is not as the same way we can view the main purpose of truth from such men as George Whitfield and John Wesley.

Whitfield was a strong preacher of election with his main theme on salvation, while Wesley was a strong preacher on the will to know God with the main theme on salvation so we see two men that preached different styles had the same theme and that was salvation. This is what made these men great in the eyes of Biblical history the final authority was God and his salvation for you.

Ross’s truce is genuine but misguided based on the issue we live in different times than Wesley and Whitfield did; the average person had a standard of who was God and the respect of who God was not to mention being a pastor or evangelist during the 1700’s was a very respectable position.

Today’s western world does not respect God as it once did nor has a standard of who God is. Today’s western world does not respect men like Ross or Ham they view them as the enemy. People like Bill Nye who puts out hate messages that parents that teach creation are abusing their children.

We can easily see why main stream media and science who is desperate to be the grand daddy of all authority of life will mock and tear down our children and young people in the public arena.

How can we as Christians tell our children God did all these great supernatural things but that stuff in Genesis may not be literal, can you see why liberal Churches are not teaching that Jesus died or was born of a virgin, compromise to secularism to be relevant in today’s world is the in thing for people and Churches that think this is the only way to get people to God.

The difference between Ross and Ham is that Ham uses the Bible to interpret scripture for both knowing God and understanding God in a Biblical context with the final goal preaching the word of God for the purpose of following Jesus to salvation. Ross uses the Bible to prove science is correct and prove there is a God while returning a standard of the belief in God to science and while this is important without the notion of one following Jesus and putting God first before all things there is no real hope for people to know God.

Final thoughts I know those six men, Ham, Comfort, Hovid, Ross, McDowell and Bloom  are good men of God and I know they want the best for bringing the Gospel to all people but the western world we live in is now requiring we either go with the world or against the world.

Trying to compromise or make a hybrid world view with a mix of some world and some Christianity will not work. It is not Biblical to mix Holiness with evil 1 Corinthians 15:33, like my old youth pastor use to say, two rivers running into each other, one is flowing clear blue water the other is dirty brown water and when the two come together and mix the clear blue water turns to dirty brown. The two cannot mix.



A COMMON SYMPTOM (10 statements  unbelievers don’t believe about the Bible)

This in respond to a blog that was posted some time ago on a Christian blog forum by a professing Christian that obviously does not really believe in true Christianity.  The blogger made 10 statements that they did not believe about the Bible and what I found is these are not just statements or beliefs from Christians on the theological fence but these are statements that unbelievers would make as well in fact these statements are nothing new.

Because these statements are common in today’s world view I will take each statement as its own otherwise this can become a long drawn out blog so in order to keep your attention we will focus one statement at a time and this is statement 2, you can check out my first blog on these statements at A COMMON SYMPTOM, STATEMENT 1

I don’t believe the Bible explains the time and manner of earth’s creation and population accurately. The Creation accounts in Genesis are not scientific writings designed to instruct, as much as they are poetry and song meant to inspire. They should not be read as a literal explanation of the fashion or timetable of what Science clearly tells us were the far older and more gradual evolution of life than a literal Biblical translation contends. Genesis 1 and 2 are a who story, not a how story.”:

Understandably one who lacks faith and trust in God will question God’s creation. If we cannot believe the Bible is the real inspired word of God then how can we believe God created all things much less in 6 days.

There is much debate in the creation theater; secular science today has muddied the waters that have divided Christians on how many days to how many billion years old the earth is. One thing is for sure Genesis is not a who story but a real account on God creating the universe, the earth and its inhabitants.  Nehemia 9:6 and Acts 14:15 

There is a debate on how many years the earth is and it falls under good credible conversation. Both Greg Koukle and Ken Ham have a radically different perspective on the earth age yet both will agree Genesis is a story on how and why God created the earth Christians can agree on this.

People that do not believe in the sufficiency of the word of God will of course be incline to believe the account of Genesis is poetry and song and a story of who. The problem with people that do not consider the Bible as the sole word of God is the who is only two people when in fact the who needs to be on more than a man and a woman, there is a creator involved and eventually a redeemer involved.  Isaiah 44:24 Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer,  who formed you from the womb: “I am the Lord, who made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself”

The complete understanding of God’s time table is not needed fully. Understand even today when secular science throws out time tables it is not concrete but a theory. Science uses dating that can be fallible; there is not exact perfect way to date God’s creation.

Some Christians use God’s word (Bible) along with archaeology, the flood and other scientific anomalies like volcano and earthquakes to help date while other Christians use stars and light years to help their definition of the date of the earth. Either way does not diminish what God has created and how he created and why he created.

To say the Genesis account of the earth population states that writer of Genesis is not in literal is to have no credibility.  When you make a statement like what is made in first statement “I don’t believe the Bible was dictated by God” then we can fully understand why a person cannot believe in the full account of Genesis 1-2 and how man and woman flourished.

If Genesis and the Bible is not a full account of how and why God made everything do we then fall back on the worlds view of evolution and big bang and if so then how did that start and as a Christian would then one begin to compromise the word of God. To not completely understand how society became many is to deny how God made his creation or a coward of the truth.

It was Martin Luther that said “ But, if you cannot understand how this could have been done in six day then grant the Holy Spirit the honor of being more learned than you are” Simply stated we know what we know because God lets us know.



It’s Monday again and time for some more Illogical and absurd articles from main stream media. Somewhat of a slow news week so the progressives kind of pushed the throttle down on a few of these articles rehashing some old ideas that they would love us to pay for or make illegal.

First up from the Huffington Post “Charlie Hebdo Editor Slams News Organizations for Not Publishing their Cartoons” Now the gist here is editor Gerard Biard feels that if the main stream media really is free speech they should have reported and showed their cartoons in Charlie Hebdo in a solidarity move to show the free world is not afraid of terrorism.


Ok let’s understand who the main stream media is, they make up of cowards that shout from a glass door. Main stream media has no problem standing up for freedom of speech and expression when they know it won’t get them killed. They are not afraid of Christians or Buddhist because they know Christians won’t retaliate but with Islam they are afraid.

Biard states every time they draw a cartoon of Mohammad or God they defend freedom of speech and I say no you don’t. Every time you draw a cartoon blaspheming God or any other religious symbol you are doing just that blaspheming a symbol that somebody holds important.

If you have no believes in anything then it makes it easy for you to make the statement your defending freedom of speech but look at it this way. If I were to tell unflattering embellishments about you or your family you might get offended you might even try and sue me.

Charlie Hebdo is a vulgar magazine at times, I’m not going to storm the doors and shoot your entire cartoonist but you insult my faith at times and I see nothing but insults not freedom in what you do.

Next article from Time “Pope Francis Opposes Contraceptives During Address of Millions in Philippines” I’m mainly mention this article by Time on the basis of I’m following the Pope due to his embracing of climate change and environmentalism which is nothing short than communism and communism embraces population control.

Pope Francis waves from the popemobile after leading a Mass at Rizal Park in Manila

Progressives and leftist love it when Pope Francis preaches about climate change and compromising on evolution but they hate it when people preach about birth control something very important to the Catholic faith.

This is where progressives despise Catholics and Christians for even thinking people take reproductive responsibility. Time keeps it tame but doe quote one person here to dig at the Popes stand on birth control.

They quote Jun Chura a former street child “Many terrible things happened to (street children) like drugs and prostitution,” said a former street child named Jun Chura. “Why is God allowing such things to happen? And why are there only very few people helping us?”

My response to Chura is I might ask you the same question, why are you allowing this to happen. You see the Pope and the Catholic/Christian church do not want to punish people by taking away their contraceptive tools they want you to take responsibility and follow God’s will.

Even if you can financially afford ten children does not mean you have ten children, can you emotionally afford ten children. Psalms 127-128, God blesses one that has children but he does require us to walk with him to be successful. Basically this, if you’re not willing to fear and walk with God then you just might limit your success.

The blog from Slate “French Government: Protesters Don’t Understand Our Values (But We’ll Imprison People for Speech)” is kind of interesting on the account that not only do Muslims and Islam do not get French values but nor does Slate and nor do they get values and freedom.


France has some interesting laws that are very free when it comes to speech but very strict when speech and expression becomes treason. France allows freedom of speech to a degree but when it become treasonous it can levy a stiff penalty in jail time something America seems not to practice thus is why Slate probably just does not get it.

The issue is Islam has no clue what true freedom is, both the Islamist practicing countries have little or no freedom and the religion its self has no freedom either.

Most progressive’s lack the understanding of freedom and values as well, feeling a government entitled society is freedom they just do not get free will and rugged individualism and their value system has no value.

The French are trying to play sides, embracing European socialism and still trying to stay as a free state can be quite complicated and will yield a very unfair society.

US NEWS and World Reports “U.S. Stands Alone on Lack of Paid Leave” published this blog on how the U.S. just won’t increase its taxes on the American People and pay for mothers to stay home with their children.


At this point pretty much if you’re a mother or father you have to option to stay at home for a few months of bonding time without pay.

Those of you that can afford it do so, some have special insurance that pay the whole time and some don’t so they have to come back to work early seems unfair.

Should not a mom and a dad bond with their new born child why are the American people not willing to be taxed enough so all moms and dads at least the moms be paid to stay home?

You have to put yourself in the eyes of the employer; I know that evil corporation you work for that just makes tons of money off your sweat. It’s very hard on a company to have to replace somebody for a short time then give that position back.

The concept of free trade and independence is lost if a private business cannot do anything without the federal or state permission.

There is a compromise that our government could make but wont. If staying home and bonding with your child is so important and I believe it is as far as the mother is concerned then why not lower taxes.

Lower income tax maybe end the income tax as we know it, lower gas tax, lower property tax make it so a two parent family can afford for only one to work.

I know that does not work for everyone since everyone makes different pay something progressives would love to change but that’s called communism.

For the most part it would work if we lowered taxes so families could take home more money and have one parent stay home nurturing the children I know it worked for our family.

It’s easy for progressives to cry on this issue saying it’s not fair but their hypocrisy is huge on family values.

They want taxes to increase so both parents have to work, use that tax money so both can stay at home for a short while and bond then send that child to government daycare and public school.

It just seems smarter to lower taxes and have the parent stay home and bond and develop their child instead of having the tax payer do it.

Solon atheist goes all out in “Bill Maher is right about religion: The Orwellian ridiculousness of Jesus, and the truth about moral progress” This is a very long and tedious blog that hates all over Christianity again fear of Islam goes into play and a double standard is used but the writer Michael Shermer does attack the Jews and Mormons as well but I’m sure in his mind anyone that uses the Bible or Biblical ideas is bad.

2 Seat Interview: Bill Maher and Ralph Nader, Author, Unstoppable Panel left to right: Andrew Ross Sorkin - Financial Columnist, New York Times, Co - Anchor, CNBC’s “Squawk Box” ; Doug Heye -  Fmr. Comm. Director, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Fmr

Basically Bill Maher is never really quoted but for those of you that don’t know Maher has said that God is a serial killer in the Old Testament.

Both Maher and Shermer don’t back any historical data up but take Biblical text out of order it’s mainly Shermer’s lack of understanding of Old Testament Biblical history of Israel and the tribes and societies that surrounded the Jews.

When you deal with atheists that bring this kind of hate to the table it’s like talking to a brick wall. They use this double standard to hate on Biblical belief and Christianity because they are afraid of Islam.

Christians are an easy target because true Christians practice peace through Christ something Maher and Shermer conveniently don’t read in the New Testament or even mention in their rants.

The truth is Maher and Shermer hate Jews and Christians because we try and live Gods truth, no we are not perfect we make mistakes but God forgives us something that Shermer I would bet hates to admit.

In Shermer’s eyes Christians live this smug holier than thou hypocritical life and they can’t stand that. If he really knew the truth and that is I don’t always live a holy life and yes I’m a hypocrite at times but every day I ask for forgiveness and every day God forgives me

“Meet the Right-Wing Judge Who Just Screwed over the People Taking Care of Your Grandma” From Alternet the same magazine that is willing to expose this judge but wont print Charlie Hebdo. This story is not about a judge but about a union that wants its workers paid more simple as that.


This story is near to me because I work in health care and at one time I worked in nursing/convalescent homes. I can say to you without a doubt the people that work in these nursing homes do not get paid much but the work is not that technical.

Whether you agree with this judge’s decision or not I will say this, if you really are concern for your loved ones you need to pay for their care because government insurance and that is who is paying for the majority of these people does not pay well meaning the nursing homes don’t get reimbursed well from social security or Medicare.

If you want the best care for your loved ones you’re going to have to pay out of pocket. I know that seems odd all those years of paying in to social security and it does not take care of your parents well welcome to the real world FDR was wrong and your loved ones fell for it.

Finally from Common Dreams “Supreme Court Could Settle Marriage Equality Fight Once and For All” Yes a few people that are not elected and have a job for life will decide on the not marriage equality but decide on the dismantling of God’s union between a man and a woman.

This is why voting is important; all these judges were appointed by a president and allowed in by our representatives that we voted for.


When it comes to the defense in marriage I use Matthew 19: 4-6 and I refer you to 1 Corinthians 7: 1-16.

The best hope at this time is for the Supreme Court to make this a states rights issue something Jeb Bush used to get out of stating whether he is either for or against the homosexual movement.

The big question then will be if a gay marriage that is legal in California will it still be good in say like Oklahoma. Hugh Hewitt made a good statement on his radio show a few days ago stating that you may have a legal conceal carry permit in Texas but that permit is not valid in New York.

No matter what happens the fall and decline of the defense of marriage is here but it’s not the end. Abortion is legal but we still fight and pray for that issue daily and this issue is no different.




End of the week so to speak just wanted to give the low down of it all and it’s a dirty shame it has to end but like all things it too the week that is must pass. My week was not too bad; work was okay as I work in Northern California in a homey sized hospital in the valley. Can’t complain too much my coworker helped me put a way a trouble free week of saving and maintaining lives and we managed a few laughs along the way.

Thanksgiving was okay as well, it’s been awhile since I’ve had a normal Thanksgiving with just the nice part of the family, Christmas is in a few weeks so I have no clue what to expect but I’m hoping for a repeat performance of Thanksgiving. We finally got some rain with substance, California has been a bit dry this last year and a half and since California is such a bureaucracy and borderline communist state we have no real way of finding a common sense approach to fixing the problem so we pray.

On the nation front we still have the headlines of Ferguson and now New York City. Cops are getting bashed big time by criminals not giving up but instead either high on dope or just refusing to give it a rest and when that happens everyone pays; idiots!

Myself I churned out a few blogs over the long week “The Propaganda Channel” a look at the H2 channel and how it no longer has historical programs but spews out propaganda for secular science. “End of Days Behavior” a look at how people view our so called odd weather as a gauge to determine the end of days. I say bunk on that and offer people to look at themselves and society to gauge end of days. “Can we forecast Gods Creation” What might be the hottest year on record people are freaking out over word temperatures, I suggest you look at the long end of forecasting Gods creations it might surprise you that the earth heats and cools over time.

Some good reads come from Barb Wire a great E magazine, first one on how Jesus does not contradict his father nor the Holy Spirit on sin. The next one is the continuing struggle for secularism to try and stop helping hurting people as our country slowly outlaws trying to normalized abnormal behavior.

It’s been an interesting week in my thoughts, I watch my family struggle with work and trying to keep a family business afloat while regulations and county bureaucracy try and take it away and I wonder just on a second thought why God took me away from that battle. Maybe because there is no way I could win it with my mentality, instead God gives me the power of prayer to try and focus on the ones that mean the most and that is hard in its self. My thoughts have also been wandering about on what I think will be and inevitable line that will be drawn on morality. I feel a time is coming where we will have to make a choice what side we will stand and I will be praying very hard that my family chooses that right side. It’s going to be a gray world coming and I just hope my friends and family can see through the gray and choose the right side of the line.

And that my friends is the low down of the week



H2 The propaganda channel

I’m a big history buff especially war history that is but I enjoy history in general. American history, war history, western history I love it so when the History channel came about I was enthused to say the least. So a little history of the History channel, from the conception the History channel was great, it had great war history and good American history. I guess the folks in charged felt a narrator was not enough so maybe try some shows that had actors or reenactments. The channel was doing well enough so a new History channel was conserved called the History channel 2 or H2 and it was designed to house the world history programming while the History channel was to deal with American history in general.

I guess it was inevitable but here came the reality shows with a big success for the History channel was Pawn Stars and it still is a big winner today. Ice Road Truckers, Axe Men and the numerous spin offs of Pawn Stars the once informative History channel became a den of reality programming with a few historical programs like modern marvels thrown in the mid mornings and mid afternoons the time when no one watches TV because we are at work; the history channel became “the watch my cool job channel”. Seriously I lived in a logging town and logging companies do not compete against each other like AX men , no one cares they just want trees for money.

Of course since H2 had less of a following it too needed to invest into scripted reality but unlike the History channel H2 became a propaganda channel of junk science and revisionist history. Now why would I make that statement well just look at the programming that H2 offers.

Ancient Aliens: The biggest offender it would be one thing if the program was about UFOlogy but it’s not. It takes everything that cannot not explained by science and even things that can be and chalks it up to it all can be explained by Aliens because god forbid that maybe there is a God that created something.

America Unearthed: Here Scott Wolter a “forensic geologist” whatever that is tries to rewrite history. Even when all the evidence points to one conclusion if it was not Scott’s conclusion then it maybe history is wrong. Basically Scott is trying to rewrite history even though evidence and facts won’t support his theories.

The Universe: Not a show to enjoy if you believe in creation that’s for sure. You name it big bang catastrophic events all theories that cannot be proven and that is fine but if you’re going to claim your being historical can we maybe look at another view of history like biblical science for another view and just a thought it’s theory not fact. Oh my we just don’t know how it happened but I know because I’m a scientist  

These are the biggest offenders that try and spread their propaganda to the viewers. No longer are we to look at the common man and his common sense, now we must rely on experts like Scott Wolter try and  convince us that Davy Crockett did not die at the Alamo. We cannot expect to think maybe there is an intelligent design because only Aliens could have this kind of technology but of course we never answer the big question where did the aliens come from and where did they get the technology thanks for clearing up those waters for us Giorgio.aliens If science has not thought of it then it cannot exist or it could not happen or be created by something other than man or chance.

What once was a good educational network has now turned into a dumb downed scripted reality based propaganda programming. They don’t want us to use common sense or thought of another way or idea just believe them because they are the experts or so says their certificate of authenticity. H2 is now a network of junk science and history that can be revised if it gets ratings and that is completely sad.